Two Matoran, Takua, the Chronicler, and Jaller, the Captain of the Guard, discover the legendary Mask of Light and set out to find the Seventh Toa. Makuta sends his minions to stop the pair from discovering the Toa of Light. But the shadowed one isn’t the only one surprised at what they find…
Adventures are nothing new to Takua the Chronicler. Even at the risk of being late for the first-ever kolhii match at Ta-Koro’s new stadium, he is exploring deep under the fiery village, hopping over stones to a totem marker that has captured his interest. His friend Jaller, Captain of the Ta-Koro Guard, finds his friend as he discovers the totem is more than just a rock – it contains the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light.The pair make it to the kolhii match just in time, but end up losing. During closing ceremonies, the mask falls out of Takua’s backpack. Through a trick, Takua convinces the Turaga and Toa that Jaller is intended to be the herald of the Massk of Light, not him. They task Jaller with finding the legendary Seventh Toa, but not before he includes Takua in his quest.As the two Matoran friends set off to follow the masks’ beacon of light, Makuta releases three Rahkshi minions to retrieve the mask. He cannot have the Matoran and Toa finding such power.Gali Nuva, meditating at the island’s Kini-Nui temple, is attacked by the three creatures, which are actually robotic armor driven by snake-like creatures extracted from Makuta himself. Barely making it to Ta-Koro, Gali warns the guards just as the Rahkshi attack the village of fire. Even the combined power of two Toa Nuva cannot stop three determined Rahkshi, who eventually level the village and send it sinking into a lake of lava as the residents flee to safety. Tahu barely notices a wound on his mask that glows green, but Gali becomes worried for her fellow Toa.Oblivious to the loss of their village, Takua and Jaller continue their search for the Seventh Toa. As they run into other Toa, who help them along their quest, they find out just how dangerous the situation has become. At one point, Makuta appears before Takua, warning him that Jaller will die unless Takua gives Makuta the mask. Takua, frightened for his friend’s safety, abruptly abandons the quest, leaving Jaller searching alone.Makuta is not satisfied with the progress made by his Rahkshi. Three more are unleashed from the dark lair, invading Onu-Koro as Pohatu visits with Onua. Another village is destroyed before the Toa regroup and determine what to do. At their conference, Tahu is so far gone from infection that he lashes out at Gali, but the other Toa restrain him and Gali heals him. It takes a lot out of her, but Tahu emerges whole and rational once again.After the disaster at Onu-Koro, Takua realizes he’s left his friend in a very dangerous position, and with his Ussal crab Pewku, hurries back to join the Captain of Ta-Koro’s guard on his quest. Once re-joined, they make their way to the center of the island, at the Kini-Nui.It may have been a poor choice of location. The Rahkshi have the pair surrounded. But it doesn’t take long for the Rahkshi to notice the Toa surrounding them.Combining elemental powers, the Toa work to vanquish the Rahkshi and save both Matoran. Trapped in a shrinking circle of friends and enemies, Takua shakes the mask, which blasts some of the rock off the Kini-Nui cliff face, revealing a carving of the Mask of Light. Jaller launches himself onto Turahk to save Takua’s life, but is killed in the process.Takua no longer hesitates. He places the golden mask on his face, and becomes Takanuva, Toa of Light. Although the Toa Nuva have done an admirable job on the Rahkshi, Takanuva finishes them off. Still grieving for his friend, he builds a vehicle from the parts left over from the vanquished Rahkshi and descends into the destroyed Kini-Nui to confront Makuta in his lair. So intent is he that he doesn’t notice Hahli has snuck into the storage area of his vehicle.Takanuva challenges Makuta, who surprisingly suggests a winner-take-all game of kolhii to resolve the issue. Takanuva accepts the challenge, and despite being smaller and less powerful than Makuta, manages to use a special move and slam Makuta into a pool of energized protodermis. But the master of darkness pulls Takanuva in with him, only to emerge as a single blended entity: Takutanuva.It’s time to wake Mata Nui, he tells the Toa and Matoran who have assembled in the lair.Opening a doorway, the villagers and their Toa and Turaga leave behind Takutanuva, who is crushed by the weight of the doorway. Only the golden Mask of Light survives, but before the door descends, Takutanuva brings Jaller back to life.Fortunately for Takanuva, the Mask of Light is able to bring him back as well.Once beyond the doorway, Turaga Vakama points across a vast protodermis sea at a city of legends, lost for a thousand years – a city that was once home to the Matoran – a city now rediscovered.Thus begins the tale of Metru Nui
Adventures are nothing new to Takua the Chronicler. Even at the risk of being late for the first-ever kolhii match at Ta-Koro’s new stadium, he is exploring deep under the fiery village, hopping over stones to a totem marker that has captured his interest. His friend Jaller, Captain of the Ta-Koro Guard, finds his friend as he discovers the totem is more than just a rock – it contains the Kanohi Avohkii, the Mask of Light.The pair make it to the kolhii match just in time, but end up losing. During closing ceremonies, the mask falls out of Takua’s backpack. Through a trick, Takua convinces the Turaga and Toa that Jaller is intended to be the herald of the Massk of Light, not him. They task Jaller with finding the legendary Seventh Toa, but not before he includes Takua in his quest.As the two Matoran friends set off to follow the masks’ beacon of light, Makuta releases three Rahkshi minions to retrieve the mask. He cannot have the Matoran and Toa finding such power.Gali Nuva, meditating at the island’s Kini-Nui temple, is attacked by the three creatures, which are actually robotic armor driven by snake-like creatures extracted from Makuta himself. Barely making it to Ta-Koro, Gali warns the guards just as the Rahkshi attack the village of fire. Even the combined power of two Toa Nuva cannot stop three determined Rahkshi, who eventually level the village and send it sinking into a lake of lava as the residents flee to safety. Tahu barely notices a wound on his mask that glows green, but Gali becomes worried for her fellow Toa.Oblivious to the loss of their village, Takua and Jaller continue their search for the Seventh Toa. As they run into other Toa, who help them along their quest, they find out just how dangerous the situation has become. At one point, Makuta appears before Takua, warning him that Jaller will die unless Takua gives Makuta the mask. Takua, frightened for his friend’s safety, abruptly abandons the quest, leaving Jaller searching alone.Makuta is not satisfied with the progress made by his Rahkshi. Three more are unleashed from the dark lair, invading Onu-Koro as Pohatu visits with Onua. Another village is destroyed before the Toa regroup and determine what to do. At their conference, Tahu is so far gone from infection that he lashes out at Gali, but the other Toa restrain him and Gali heals him. It takes a lot out of her, but Tahu emerges whole and rational once again.After the disaster at Onu-Koro, Takua realizes he’s left his friend in a very dangerous position, and with his Ussal crab Pewku, hurries back to join the Captain of Ta-Koro’s guard on his quest. Once re-joined, they make their way to the center of the island, at the Kini-Nui.It may have been a poor choice of location. The Rahkshi have the pair surrounded. But it doesn’t take long for the Rahkshi to notice the Toa surrounding them.Combining elemental powers, the Toa work to vanquish the Rahkshi and save both Matoran. Trapped in a shrinking circle of friends and enemies, Takua shakes the mask, which blasts some of the rock off the Kini-Nui cliff face, revealing a carving of the Mask of Light. Jaller launches himself onto Turahk to save Takua’s life, but is killed in the process.Takua no longer hesitates. He places the golden mask on his face, and becomes Takanuva, Toa of Light. Although the Toa Nuva have done an admirable job on the Rahkshi, Takanuva finishes them off. Still grieving for his friend, he builds a vehicle from the parts left over from the vanquished Rahkshi and descends into the destroyed Kini-Nui to confront Makuta in his lair. So intent is he that he doesn’t notice Hahli has snuck into the storage area of his vehicle.Takanuva challenges Makuta, who surprisingly suggests a winner-take-all game of kolhii to resolve the issue. Takanuva accepts the challenge, and despite being smaller and less powerful than Makuta, manages to use a special move and slam Makuta into a pool of energized protodermis. But the master of darkness pulls Takanuva in with him, only to emerge as a single blended entity: Takutanuva.It’s time to wake Mata Nui, he tells the Toa and Matoran who have assembled in the lair.Opening a doorway, the villagers and their Toa and Turaga leave behind Takutanuva, who is crushed by the weight of the doorway. Only the golden Mask of Light survives, but before the door descends, Takutanuva brings Jaller back to life.Fortunately for Takanuva, the Mask of Light is able to bring him back as well.Once beyond the doorway, Turaga Vakama points across a vast protodermis sea at a city of legends, lost for a thousand years – a city that was once home to the Matoran – a city now rediscovered.Thus begins the tale of Metru Nui